
Wednesday 12 October 2011

Assessment 3

Finally finished! I've learnt quite a bit this semester, I already knew some of the stuff we covered but overall added a lot to my knowledge.
Things we covered were:
Html coding

Overall I enjoyed learning the ins and outs of all these things!

Wednesday 5 October 2011


Check out some of my photos from Parklife in my photostream on the right

The weather has been terrible!

The weather could  have quite easily wrecked my long weekend! Luckily I was having way to much fun and i didn't take to much notice of the weather. Im heading to the Bathurst 1000 this weekend so I'm hoping the weather gets a bit nicer before then. Looking very forward to it!

My Parklife Weekend!

I had the best long weekend! Parklife was amazing, probably one of the best weekends of my life! The only downside was the weather, which turned out alright at the end of the day, but at the start of the day we were wearing black garbage bags to keep us warm and out of the rain! Overall it was an awesome weekend!