
Wednesday 12 October 2011

Assessment 3

Finally finished! I've learnt quite a bit this semester, I already knew some of the stuff we covered but overall added a lot to my knowledge.
Things we covered were:
Html coding

Overall I enjoyed learning the ins and outs of all these things!

Wednesday 5 October 2011


Check out some of my photos from Parklife in my photostream on the right

The weather has been terrible!

The weather could  have quite easily wrecked my long weekend! Luckily I was having way to much fun and i didn't take to much notice of the weather. Im heading to the Bathurst 1000 this weekend so I'm hoping the weather gets a bit nicer before then. Looking very forward to it!

My Parklife Weekend!

I had the best long weekend! Parklife was amazing, probably one of the best weekends of my life! The only downside was the weather, which turned out alright at the end of the day, but at the start of the day we were wearing black garbage bags to keep us warm and out of the rain! Overall it was an awesome weekend!

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Assessment 2 Blog

My website stuck to the theme of the weather. I didn't know much about iWeb, much like everyone else, but I'm not very used to Mac's either. So it was all a self learning experience and I think i learnt a fair bit from this assignment.
My website consists of 5 pages;
*Home - A summary of the daily weather and weather news
*Weekly Forecast - A weekly forecast 
*Weather Pics - Some interesting pictures of weather
*Weather Vids - Some very cool weather caught on tape
*Contact me/ Links - A link to send me an email and some links to my Blogger, Flickr and delicious pages.
There is also an RSS feed from
My site is one that needs to be constantly updated to keep people in the know and up to date with the weather. If I was to go ahead with this site, I would obviously keep it updated, but for the purposes of this assignment we can just pretend that I am going to constantly update it.

I tried utilising the simple counter widget, but there was a problem with it appearing on the site after publishing, Also the RSS feeds I had a bit of trouble with because I didn't know much about them, but figured it out in the end. 

Doing this assessment helped me to understand FTP and basic website publishing, I had a bit of background knowledge in html that came in handy but wasn't all that useful in this situation.

Long Weekend!

Cant wait for 5 0'clock Friday! Weekend starts, time to get away! Please be kind mother nature!

Monday 26 September 2011


Im heading to Parklife music festival this weekend. Can not wait!
Check it out.
Lets hope the weather is perfect!

Festival Time!

The weather of late has been quite up and down, which seems to be the norm judging by my other posts. The difference is, rather being freezing cold then sort-of warm, its been warm and windy to very warm and sunny. I think the colder weather is definitely behind us now though, and there are plenty of hot sunny days to be had! Bring on the festivals! Nothing better than enjoying a nice, sunny spring day at a festival!

Wednesday 14 September 2011

We've had a beautiful couple of days of late. Spring has definately hit! Warm dry winds and clear skys are a clear sign to it being a hot dry summer! Goodbye electric blankets, hello air conditioners and high electricity bills.

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Assessment 1 Blog

Assessment 1 for MPI104 consisted of us signing up and getting to know the basics of a range of different multimedia sites and tools. This included- Gmail, which is the starting point for most of the other accounts as they all shared the one username and password. The other sites where Flickr, Blogger and Delicious, which are all very useful sites in there own way. We also skimmed across basic html.
Gmail came in very handy with this assignment as mentioned a moment ago, I hadnt used it before but I see myself using it frequently in the future. 
I chose to theme my posts around the weather. I know it may seem to be a very boring thing to talk about but i tried to make them a little bit funny and have interesting pictures. I let the readers (if any) know what the weather had been up through a short summary and a picture.
I used a total of 15 posts on my blog, here are a few that i liked the most.
I posted on a couple of my classmates walls, then later on had a bit of trouble trying to do this again, i particularly liked Tony's Art vs Science Post with the countdown time, i thought it worked well.
I chose a background of falling autumn leaves, which fits in very well with my theme which i was pretty happy with, everthing related to my other posts. I used tags in some of my posts to describe what they are about such crazy weather.

I had used flickr a little bit before other than in this subject. You cant find better pictures, that easily anywhere else. I have uploaded a total of 14 various pics to my MPI104 photostream and added appropriate tags, which is a very useful tool. Here are my three fave pics.

Delicious made all my favourite pages very easy to access.
I bookmarked a total of 12pages, all of which are ones that i use frequently while doing this subject or that relate to this subject on the things ive done in the assessment. Yes facebook is there, but you won't see me on it in class, MPI104 is first priority.
Here are my 3 favourite bookmarks on delicious

I found the knowledge I have gained throught this assessment to be very valuable. It gave me a better outlook on the scheme of things and furthered my understanding greatly.


A picture that I took when I was in Wollongong a couple weeks ago, Not very nice considering i dont get to the beach very often

Spring is here! :)

Spring got off to an awesome start with a beautiful sunny day! From there the weather has been up and down which we have gotten used to of late. A few sunny days mixed in with a few miserable days makes for a standard spring. Average daytime temperatures of around 14-19 and max temps of 24-25 is getting me excited for summer. Bring it on! For more stats and averages on the weather click the link below.
Bereau of Meteorology

Belated Weather Report

Hey everyone, I havn't posted an update on the weather for a while, but im sure everyone has found out what the weather has been like through other sources. Such as watching/listening to the news and perhaps even walking outside into the elements yourselves. To put a long story short, the weather has continued to be up and down since the last time i posted :)

Wednesday 17 August 2011

Moody weather

Lately the weather has been very inconsistent. It'd be interesting to find out what is behind the unusual weather. Here is a link that may provide us with a bit of insight.

Weather Update

What is the go with the weather?? On tuesday it was hot enough to wear shorts and a t-shirt, then the next day it was pouring down rain and has been miserable since!

Sunday 7 August 2011

Weather Report

Currently 10° at 11:03am
Expected aftertoon showers
Temperature expected to hit a high of 13°
Bring on Summer!!


So much for the weather! It's gone from beautiful sunny days to wet and miserable!

Wednesday 3 August 2011

MMmmm Delicious...

Delicious makes using all your commonly used sites very easy. It seems like a quick and easy way to access all your websites.


Flickr's pretty sick... I like the way you can add tags, also that you can look at pic's you wouldn't find on google images.

The Weather!!

How good is the weather! Hope it stays like this for a while
Click here to see some cool weather pics!

Wednesday 27 July 2011