
Wednesday 7 September 2011

Assessment 1 Blog

Assessment 1 for MPI104 consisted of us signing up and getting to know the basics of a range of different multimedia sites and tools. This included- Gmail, which is the starting point for most of the other accounts as they all shared the one username and password. The other sites where Flickr, Blogger and Delicious, which are all very useful sites in there own way. We also skimmed across basic html.
Gmail came in very handy with this assignment as mentioned a moment ago, I hadnt used it before but I see myself using it frequently in the future. 
I chose to theme my posts around the weather. I know it may seem to be a very boring thing to talk about but i tried to make them a little bit funny and have interesting pictures. I let the readers (if any) know what the weather had been up through a short summary and a picture.
I used a total of 15 posts on my blog, here are a few that i liked the most.
I posted on a couple of my classmates walls, then later on had a bit of trouble trying to do this again, i particularly liked Tony's Art vs Science Post with the countdown time, i thought it worked well.
I chose a background of falling autumn leaves, which fits in very well with my theme which i was pretty happy with, everthing related to my other posts. I used tags in some of my posts to describe what they are about such crazy weather.

I had used flickr a little bit before other than in this subject. You cant find better pictures, that easily anywhere else. I have uploaded a total of 14 various pics to my MPI104 photostream and added appropriate tags, which is a very useful tool. Here are my three fave pics.

Delicious made all my favourite pages very easy to access.
I bookmarked a total of 12pages, all of which are ones that i use frequently while doing this subject or that relate to this subject on the things ive done in the assessment. Yes facebook is there, but you won't see me on it in class, MPI104 is first priority.
Here are my 3 favourite bookmarks on delicious

I found the knowledge I have gained throught this assessment to be very valuable. It gave me a better outlook on the scheme of things and furthered my understanding greatly.

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