
Wednesday 28 September 2011

Assessment 2 Blog

My website stuck to the theme of the weather. I didn't know much about iWeb, much like everyone else, but I'm not very used to Mac's either. So it was all a self learning experience and I think i learnt a fair bit from this assignment.
My website consists of 5 pages;
*Home - A summary of the daily weather and weather news
*Weekly Forecast - A weekly forecast 
*Weather Pics - Some interesting pictures of weather
*Weather Vids - Some very cool weather caught on tape
*Contact me/ Links - A link to send me an email and some links to my Blogger, Flickr and delicious pages.
There is also an RSS feed from
My site is one that needs to be constantly updated to keep people in the know and up to date with the weather. If I was to go ahead with this site, I would obviously keep it updated, but for the purposes of this assignment we can just pretend that I am going to constantly update it.

I tried utilising the simple counter widget, but there was a problem with it appearing on the site after publishing, Also the RSS feeds I had a bit of trouble with because I didn't know much about them, but figured it out in the end. 

Doing this assessment helped me to understand FTP and basic website publishing, I had a bit of background knowledge in html that came in handy but wasn't all that useful in this situation.

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